Four exercises every office worker needs to prevent back pain

Genetics, bone density, joint shape, muscle strength - there are many possible causes of back pain, one of the most common ailments in the UK. But one cause we see all too often is sitting for too many hours daily. You could be super active at the weekends, but the sheer number of hours spent at your desk each day will be causing problems in the long term.
To help you beat desk aches and prevent serious back problems in the future, here are four exercises we believe every office worker should do!

Walking - every day
This gentle exercise is accessible to almost anyone and can help keep joints moving and lubricated and muscles relaxed and strong. Walking also has a wealth of positive effects on the mind. Discuss splitting your lunch break with your boss to allow a ten-minute walk mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Try walking to and from work to see your step count rise and feel the benefits in your back.
Stretch - daily
Yoga is a fantastic form of exercise for everyone. However, if the downward dog feels far too intimidating, consider simple stretches throughout the day to help your back and muscles. Stand up for five minutes a few times a day and stretch out your body with simple squats, lunges and rolling hands and feet.

Weights - twice a week
Not for the office, but anyone working in a job where they spend hours sitting should do some strength training twice a week. You can do weight training, yoga or pilates to reap the benefits of stronger muscles and a more supported spine.
Swimming - once a week
Swimming is great for all-over strength and a form of cardio, swimming is a beautiful exercise and relaxing too! A few weekly lengths will strengthen your core and work your whole body.
Working in an office can mean our health gets forgotten, but to make the most of the weekends and holidays you need to look after yourself. Remember, the NHS advises one and a half hours of high-intensity exercise a week and an hour of strength-based exercise a week. Make sure you do these to prevent back pain and look after yourself long-term.