Getting smart with posture

Were you constantly annoyed by being told to stand up straight as a child? Well, whoever told you this was correct – and probably for more reasons than even they realised.
Most people think standing up straight is good because it looks great and makes you look slimmer and taller, both desirable traits. While this is true – a good posture can look wonderful – there is much more that standing up straight can do for you.
Our breathing system is a miracle of engineering; it's an entirely air-tight system powered by the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm, a thick layer of muscle that runs underneath the rib cage, pulling air into the lungs and then expelling it. It works tirelessly from the moment we take our first breath until we take our last one. If we hunch over, this makes it harder for our lungs to fill up with air, preventing them from doing so entirely. Standing up straight pulls the whole respiratory system into order, enabling us to appropriately fill our lungs and letting the diaphragm work to the best of its ability.

Our bodies are designed to operate upright, with many digestive processes aided by gravity. Slouching or hunching to one side or another can interfere with the progression of nutrients and waste matter through our systems, blocking or slowing down the passage of matter through the stomach, intestines, or colon. This sort of interference can lead to colic, the formation of gas and even constipation, and improperly breaking down foodstuffs within the digestive tract. Standing tall and being even moderately active can help the body heal itself regarding digestive issues, ease cramps and bloating and aid the smooth passage of matter through the body.
Literally, stay in shape!
Finally, as anyone who has ever had a break or injury can testify, twisting the body to favour one side can lead to pain and injuries in other areas. For example, limping to take the weight off a broken toe can lead to the knee twisting and becoming painful and inflamed. Slouching and poor posture can also cause similar issues, giving rise to aches and pains and killing any desire to be active, which can worsen things.
If any of these issues sound like you, get in touch to have a chat about our comprehensive range of treatments. We can unlock stiff and sore joints with gentle but effective manipulation, reducing pain with a massage. Try it today: you will not regret it.